Wednesday, January 14, 2009



Now this is what winter should look like!!!!! There is nothing worse than having bitter cold weather and have NO snow. At least if there is snow on the ground, it looks nice and for some reason, I feel warmer. We enjoy going outside and playing in the snow or driving around and seeing how beautiful the trees and ground look with the snow glistening. As it is now, I'm cold and don't want to go outside for any reason. Oh to be back in Pagosa Springs right now!!!! These pictures are taken from previous winters in Pagosa...we sure miss it.

To top off the cold weather, we had a power outage in our neighborhood today. I came home from having a nice lunch with Karen all ready to settle in to a nice warm house, drink hot chocolate (sugar free, of course) and get some work done but walk in to a cold house and no electricity to fix hot chocolate! I cleaned for a while and then felt sorry for Chica so decided we would go for a ride to get warm. The power was out for about 4 hours and the temp in the house got down to 45! It's all good now though, Chica and I are doing well and settling in for nice warm evening!!

As I was talking to Cliff this morning, he informed me that he woke up to NO hot water in his hotel. He had meetings to get to and had to have a COLD shower.....that'll get you going in the morning!

I'm sure tomorrow will be a better day for both of us even though the weather says it is only going to be in the single digits...BRRRRRRRR. Hopefully all you in the warmer climate enjoy your warmth and those of you in the snow are appreciating its beauty. I'll be thinking of you! :)


  1. I had a flash back to Chica spread out with me under the fan to col off during the summer AC problem.

    I am so sorry that you have been so cold! Agh! With no way to make Hot Chocolate!

  2. Between you and I, I have a funny picture in my head on what we both must look trying to keep her cool and me trying to keep her warm!! Chica really is a spoiled little dog!!!
